8    SAFETY PROCEDURES AT THE SUMMIT (version 7/27/05)

 8.1           Responsibilities

Other than specified in Chapter 4       RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF ALL PERSONNEL (version 5/8/01), Each personnel has the following specific responsibilities at the summit.


A.        Director:

1.      Administrate Safety Walk.

B.        Executive safety manager:

1.      Set up a display board on the wall of the second floor lobby at the control building, for people visiting/working at the facility to sign in and out and thus indicate their presence at the facility. The names of anyone who is in the summit facility shall be listed on the board for the time being.

2.      Post instructions written in both English and Japanese on the inside wall of the elevator for emergency situations such as being locked inside the elevator due to an accident or blackout.  The instructions explain how to use the emergency phone located inside the elevator and how to escape from the elevator, etc.  The instructions must also be circulated to all staff.

3.      Keep medical supplies, oxygen cylinders, and stretcher in the ESB Basement Elevator Lobby.  Make a list and maintain the medical supplies and equipment.

4.      Confirm the locations of EEVs and their keys (EEVs are located in the CSO. The keys are located in the staff room.) Test driving of EEVs must be included in the emergency training.

5.      Plan and execute the fire/evacuation drill at least once a year at the summit facility.

6.      List and update emergency contacts.

C.        Summit Site Manager:

1.      Coordinate works each group does to avoid any conflict of works.

2.      Make a final judge of weather and order to leave the summit if necessary.

D.       Summit Work Certificate Holder:

Same as D. Safety Manager of Chapter 4 RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF ALL PERSONNEL (version 5/8/01).

E.        Safety Manager on Place:


F.         Safety Manager on Work:


G.        Staff:


H.           Visitor and General Visitor:

1.        When a visitor or general visitor enters the summit facility, he/she must sign a document releasing Subaru Telescope of any liability.

2.        or must inform the Summit Site Manager of the time and area the visitor plans to visit. 

3.        Visitor for facility tour and general visitor must be always accompanied in the summit facility by a designated staff.

4.        General Visitors must follow and stay within the designated areas.


 8.2           Qualifications

A.        Summit Site Manager:

Requires full experience as Safety Manager. In addition, experience of the work at Subaru summit facility for more than 60 days is required. Regularly, a shift leader and a telescope operator is appointed as a Summit Site Manager.

B.        Summit Work Certificate Holder, on Safety Manager on Place and on Safety Manager on Work:

Requires valid First Aid and Adult CPR certificates and completion of the training for facility vehicle driving and for the summit safety. Anyone who did not work for the past six month should have a refresher training for the summit safety to keep the Safety Manager status.

The course material and check list necessary for the training to be a Safety Manager is in Appendix 5 The Summit Safety Check List to Qualify as Safety Manager.

C.        Staff:

Staff working at the summit must have medical training (CPR, First Aid procedures including First Aid medications and supplies) and be certified.


 8.3           Preparations conducted at Hilo for safety at summit

A.                  Submit “Work Plan” or “Work Request” to the Operation Center.


B.                  If the person going to the summit is not a Summit Work Certificate Holder, make sure a Summit Work Certificate Holder is on duty at the summit while the person plans to stay there.


C.                  To reduce the risk of working alone and of overworking, working at the summit on Saturday, Sunday and holidays shall be avoided. Work plan shall be made so as to avoid works on those days.


 8.4           Preparations for altitude sickness or accidents

A.                  Subaru Telescope requests all visitors as well as the staff to the summit facility to follow the attached, Appendix 6 Safety Advisory for Visitors to Subaru Telescope.


B.                  Staff who is supposed to work at the summit shall have a physical examination annually.


8.5           Preparations for safety at the summit

A.                  Enter or exit the control building from the east entrance door, where emergency stairs to the 2nd and 3rd floor of the control building is located. If an emergency happens such as the front door of the control building is blocked by snow, or the key for the front door is missing, etc., register the combination locks to open the door with the first three digits of p.


B.                  The following food/drink shall be stored and regularly checked by the Executive Safety Manager.

1.      Four (4) canned tuna

2.      Two (2) canned corn

3.      Two (2) canned of Yans (cut sweet potatoes in syrup)

4.      Two (2) canned crushed pineapples

5.      Two (2) canned peach halves

6.      Three (3) canned Spam

7.      Three (3) canned Spam Lite

8.      One pound of dry peanuts

9.      Six (6) bottles of water

10.  One (1) pack of cracker – two saloon, one soda and one cream

11.  Thirteen (13) bagged rice


C.                  Visitors for facility tours and general visitors shall follow the visiting procedure defined at the Director Office.


 8.6           Rules on length of stay and acclimatization

A.                  Before staying at the summit in 8 hours or less, at least 0.5 hour of acclimatization is recommended. Before staying at the summit in between 8 hours and 14 hours, at least 8 hour of acclimatization is recommended.


B.                  Anyone may not stay at the summit more than 14 hours within any consecutive 24 hours.


 8.7           Regulations for safety at the summit

A.                  Upon arriving/departing the summit, anyone shall sign in/out the displayed board on the second floor of the control building. The staff shall check a work list on a bulletin board in the elevator hall on the third floor and write down a work the staff plans to do.


B.                  Upon arriving/departing the summit, the staff who drive the Subaru vehicle shall enter into the Subaru Vehicle Reservation System.


C.                  A designated staff must always escort visitors for facility tours and general visitors in the summit facility.


D.                 When working at the summit, the person shall be a Summit Site Manager or a Summit Work Certificate Holder. Or, the person shall be under supervision of a Summit Site Manager or a Summit Work Certificate Holder qualified for a summit work conducted by the person.


E.                  A crew must consist of more than two people at the summit. If a person has to work alone at the summit due to unavoidable circumstances, inform the colleagues of his/her location and how long he/she will be at the site.


F.                   Staying alone at the summit facility is not allowed. If an exception is absolutely necessary, the person has to designate and record a monitor either at Hale Pohaku or in Hilo, and inform the Designated Summit Monitor at the start and the end of your stay at the summit by phone in addition to indicating on the Summit Entry Board at the entrance.


G.                  A Designated Summit Monitor has to agree to be on-call regardless of time; nighttime, weekend or holiday.


H.                  The monitor has to inform the Emergency Contact Team if a problem is suspected.


I.                    Operation of the following equipment is limited to qualified staff as directed in this manual.

1.      Telescope (including control system and local panels such as heat exhaust system)

2.      Dome

3.      Cranes

4.      Cherry pickers

5.      Forklifts


J.                   Anyone who wants to make wiring or to place equipment at the summit facility must obtain the permission of the Safety Manager on Place to work on.


K.                  Desks, furniture or large equipment must not be moved without permission of the Safety Manager on Place or the administrator of the equipment.


L.                   All daywork staff in the summit facility shall wear a pair of safety shoes to protect feet ,which complies with ANSI standard ANSI Z 41-1991.


M.                 Anyone who handles chemicals must put appropriate safety shoes on.


N.                  Anyone who has experienced the summit work less than three days within a recent half year must be escorted by others who have experienced the summit work for three days or more to go beyond the outside elevator lobby.


O.                 Each team must pickup at least one walkie-talkie before getting in the dome.


P.                  Put appropriate clothing for the summit work.


Q.                 Computers and network equipment of Subaru Telescope must not be disconnected nor be turned off without permission.


R.                  To avoid confusion in communication, each work team should assign a chief


 8.8           Regulations at the dome


A.               Avoid working alone in the dome whenever possible.


B.               Anyone who gets into the dome must get a permission of the Summit Work Certificate Holder.


C.               Anyone in the dome must get out before the safety check and the precheck of the telescope.


D.              Before entering the upper/lower and around the dome, anyone shall wear a hard hat and, if required, body harness. White hats shall be designated to Staff and employees of the contractors only. Visitors should wear yellow hats.


E.               Anyone shall fasten the strap of the hard hat when inside the dome to prevent the hard hat from slipping off.


F.                It is required to wear a body harness to secure the body against falling before working six feet above the ground/floor, especially on the roof. Secure oneself to a handrail, safety wire, etc.


G.               Subaru staff shall prohibit a visitor from entering dangerous areas, especially on the roof.


H.               Always use elevators instead of using stairs or ladders when guiding visitors.


I.                 Protect oneself against electric shock by turning off power when performing electrical work.


J.                Make sure to close the door of the outside elevator manually after using the elevator.  (If the door is not closed at that time, it will be a serious safety problem since the elevator cannot move from the level where the door was left opened.)


K.               Keep out from restricted areas when you are off duty.  These areas include the areas, which are indicated by “danger” signs; inside the truss section of the main shutter, the top screen, the TUE/UL area, around the 80-ton crane, the rotation system of the dome, around the bogie truck, and around the door of the ventilator.  If you must enter and work in restricted area, inform the Safety Manager and follow instructions when turning on power switches, etc. for safety purposes.


L.                All top-of-the-roof work has to be handled by a team of at least two persons. It is not allowed to go out to the roof alone. If going to the roof alone is definitely needed, take a walkie-talkie and make sure communication with other staff through the walkie-talkies is ready.


 8.9           Emergency Medical Oxygen Policy

A.                  Summit Site Manager has a final authority for the decision on emergency actions.


B.                  Whenever emergency medical oxygen is administered to anyone at the summit, the person must in all cases be immediately transported to Hale Pohaku.


C.             Signs and symptoms of High Altitude Sickness


Minor Symptoms

mild shortness of breath




a change in visual activity


chest tightness


Major Symptoms

shortness of breath

sudden onset of severe unrelenting headaches

chest pain

abdominal pain

Major Signs

slurred speech

visual disturbance

loss of coordination




slow or rapid heart beat

labored breathing

unrelenting nausea or vomiting


D.             Persistent Symptoms

In most cases of mountain sickness the symptoms do not return upon future trips to altitude. The following provisions apply to visitors and staff who suffer from repeated incidents of mountain sickness:



If a visitor is sick on two consecutive summit trips they should be instructed to leave the summit and to seek medical advice before returning.  A visitor having a history of illness at the summit should be instructed to leave upon a single new incident of illness.



If a staff member is sick on two consecutive trips to the summit they must seek medical advice - normally from Subaru's consulting physician - before returning.


E.              Procedure in case of Minor Emergency

1.        Rest

2.        Administer Oxygen. Set flow rate to 6 liter per minutes.

3.        Descend to Hale Pohaku

4.        If the telescope is to be closed, Summit Site Manager shall notify night support personnel of the Operation Center.

5.        If conditions require the patient to be taken to Hilo, they must be taken to the Hilo Medical Center Emergency room.

6.        Follow “Appendix 8: Subaru Telescope Emergency Network” and inform NAOJ Emergency Contact Team of the incident.


F.              Procedure in case of Major Emergency (Follow Appendix 24: the Mauna Kea Emergency Medical Procedure)

1.        Examine the victim

2.        Call 911 with the following information:

l         your location

l         describe how the accident or illness occurred

l         describe the victim's symptoms

l         indicate the urgency needed for treatment

l         describe the weather condition

l         establish the primary meeting place (Saddle Road)

l         describe the vehicle used to transport victim

3.        Follow “Appendix 8: Subaru Telescope Emergency Network” and inform NAOJ Emergency Contact Team of the incident.

8.10         Regulations/rules for a General Visitor

A.        At least one designated Summit Work Certificate Holder must take an entire care of General visitors while they stay in the summit facility

B.        A Staff including a Summit Work Certificate Holder must be designated for every eight visitors to stay in the summit facility.

C.        Each Safety Manager on the Summit Work or each tour conductor, who is in charge of the safety in the tour, can guides up to 15 General visitors.

D.       A designated Summit Work Certificate Holder must provide visitors with an orientation on the procedure of the visit and on the summit safety at the lower altitude.

E.        A designated Summit Work Certificate Holder must confirm that General visitors have received proper orientation on the procedure of the tour and on the summit safety before commencing the tour.

F.         Summit Work Certificate Holder shall not allow General visitors to walk on the area other than designated routes.

G.        In the normal circumstances, use elevators instead of using stairs or ladders when guiding General visitors.

H.        If a visitor gets sick, a staff must leave the summit with the visitors so that the number of the designated staff and that of the visitors meet the requirement in the rule B.

I.          If a staff drives a General visitor down to the lower elevation, the staff must escort the person until he/she recovers or is handed over to the responsible person.


8.11         Regulations/rules for safety in extreme weather conditions on Mauna Kea

A.                  Summit Site Manager has a final authority for the decision of the evacuation. Anyone at the summit facility shall follow the decision.


B.                  In condition of high wind, access to the certain areas is prohibited. If the wind speed meets the following criteria, do not enter the area. This chart also shows the condition that requires evacuation from the summit. Always use wind speed measured at the weather tower.







Roof of the dome

Gust >10m/s

Gust >10m/s

Roof of the control building

Gust >10m/s

Gust >10m/s

Cat walk

Gust >15m/s

Gust >15m/s

Step between the elevator tower and the dome on the observation floor

Gust >15m/s

Gust >15m/s


Gust >30m/s

Gust >30m/s


C.                  In condition of snow or ice on the roof, access to the roof is restricted. If snow or ice piles up and the wind speed meets the following criteria, do not enter the area. Always use wind speed measured at the weather tower.





Roof of the dome

Gust >10m/s

Any time

Roof of the control building

Gust >10m/s

Any time

Cat walk

Gust >15m/s

Gust >15m/s

Step between the elevator tower and the dome on the observation floor

Gust >15m/s

Gust >10m/s


D.                 When going up to the summit in case of snow or ice, anyone must have permission by the Summit Site Manager on duty, or staying in Hale Pohaku.


E.                  Anyone shall evacuate the summit when MKSS decides to close the summit road.


F.                   Keep out from around the outside wall of the dome in the event that a block of ice/snow drops from the roof.


G.                  Use the walkway between the control building and the dome when entering the dome.


H.                  If working outside under hazardous weather conditions is necessary, obtain permission from the Summit Site Manager, prepare for safety, and work in a group.


I.                    Be aware of weather changes at the summit.  Be aware especially of hail, snow, or strong wind (called “Kona Wind,” the west wind) caused suddenly by the effects of a winter storm.  Make precautionary decisions regarding worsening weather conditions and evacuate the summit early.


J.                   Drive very carefully on icy roads.


K.                  Before taking a trip to the summit, check the weather conditions at the summit.  Call 935-6268 to hear taped messages for information on the road condition above Hale Pohaku.  For real time pictures at the summit, consult the following Internet resources.

1.      http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/misc/summitview.html

2.      http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/weather/#terrestrial-cameras

3.      http://www1.naoj.org/snapshots/index.htm


L.                   For weather information at the summit, consult the following Internet resources.

1.      http://www.jach.hawaii.edu/cgi-bin/irtvid

2.      http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/cgi-bin/dl_gemini.csh.


8.12         Telescope operation

A.                  Only trained Subaru staff and Mitsubishi crew may operate TWS and telescope control panel.


B.                  Dome azimuthal drive should be turned off before anyone goes into the dome.


C.                  The operator can allow people to access to the dome with azimuthal drive on when the person is coping with the serious problems of the telescope or when the Summit Site Manager judge it unavoidable.


D.                 When someone who has experienced the work at the summit less than three days in the recent half year is going to the dome, the Summit Site Manager must have someone else who experienced the summit work three days or more go to the dome with the one.


E.                  By judging person by safety awareness or familiarity to the summit facility, the Summit Site Manager has a right to prohibit the person to walk in alone in the dome, even if the person has stayed over three days at the summit. If necessary, operators must escort them.


F.                   Before precheck, use paging and make sure no one is present on the ventilation floor or above.


8.13         Rules at Hale Pohaku

A.                  The Hale Pohaku residents should sign in the room number and room phone number on the log in the Subaru office.


B.                  Return vehicle keys to the key box in the Subaru office before going to sleep.


C.                  Everyone who stays in Hale Pohaku should read emergency package in the bedroom.


D.                 Be aware of the weather change and always refer to weather and road condition noticed on the bulletin board at the entrance lobby.


E.                  In case of severe weather or accident, always follow directions by MKSS personnel and the telescope operator staying in Hale Pohaku.