General information for proposal preparations

IRCS is combined with AO188 everytime

IRCS observations will always be conducted in combination with AO188 optics, regardless of the use of AO correction. The auto-guiding of the IRCS observations completely relies on the AO188. A guide star is needed whenever the auto-guiding is necessary, even the correction by the AO is not needed (i.e., only open tracking is available when the AO loop is not closed). Therefore, observations of faint targets with no-AO corrections (especially for spectroscopy) are not acceptable.

Service programs

The available mode for service programs are below.

  • Imaging with, or without AO188
  • Grism spectroscopy with AO188
  • Echelle spectroscopy with AO188

Please note that spectroscopic programs must have suitable NGS, or TTGS candidates, since spectroscopy without AO188 is NOT available under any circumstance. Any spectroscopic programs without guide stars for AO188 will NOT be considered to be feasible.

For non-sidereal targets, only imaging (1)without AO188, or (2)with NGS mode, is available. Non-sidereal targets should be bright enough (R < 16.5) for the latter case of NGS mode.

Please follow the instruction in Subaru Service Program to prepare the proposal for service observations.

© 2020 Subaru Telescope, NAOJ.